Individual Paperwork
Complete ONLINE individual (youth or adult) MSP REGISTRATION FORMS
Personal Covenant and Release Forms are a part of the Registration forms.
18-19 year olds: If a youth will be turning 18 before or during MSP, adult paperwork MUST be completed! Keep in mind that NO one under the age of 23 is allowed to be an adult leader.
ONCE we get ALL COMPLETED PAPERWORK, we will be able to match your team with a project. The MSP Construction Coordinator will contact your construction leader to discuss your mission. The TOOL LIST AND PERSONAL PACKING LIST is available online, on Facebook and Instagram. Any SPECIAL TOOLS needed will be discussed at time of Construction Coordinator's call!
YOUTH (17 & under)
ADULTS (18 & over)
Copy of TRUSTed Con Confianza/Safe Sanctuary Certification emailed to Whitney Maupin -
*“TRUSTed Con Confianza” Certification
*“Safe gathering” certification (includes background check, video training, and references) Please follow your Conference Procedures in place and provide copy of Certificate.
*Both of these items take some time, so please plan AHEAD. These should be completed several weeks ahead of the mission. AN ADULT THAT DOES NOT have this documentation, will NOT be allowed to work or supervise youth.
**If you are from another Conference please follow your Conference procedures and provide us with a copy of the letter.
Everyone is required to have insurance. If there is someone without insurance please contact me.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
For questions or concerns please contact Whitney Maupin OR call/text (956)802-9630